The latest provisional RV Price for the 2024/25 season, has been declared at R7 790.80 per RV ton. This represents an increase of R69.29 per RV ton from last month’s price estimate.The increase is mostly due to a surprising rise to the sugar to RV ratio (93.81% vs 93.39%) and the continuous decline in the full season gross sugar production estimate (1.884m vs 1.903m). Other positive factors include a marginally weaker season weighted-average estimated Rand to US Dollar Exchange rate (R18.52/US$ vs R18.43/US$) and a minor ascension to the season weighted-average estimated No. 11 world sugar price (US21.87c/lb. vs US21.81c/lb.).
OUR VISION is to grow the long-term profitability and sustainability of the South African cane growing sector.
Our MISSION is to play a leading role in growing sugarcane and diverse production opportunities for cane growers through innovation, research, specialised services and products.